
E30: Rethinking Pedagogy, Online: A conversation with Garrett Smiley and Jeffrey Imrich

Written by Dr. Matt Bateman on November 30, 2022

What pedagogy plays well with virtual and tech-enabled education? Discovery-based? Project-based? Both? Neither? Join us for a lively discussion with Garrett Smiley of Sora Schools, and Jeffrey Imrich of Rock by Rock.

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Garrett Smiley is the Co-Founder and CEO of Sora Schools, an online, accredited middle and high school that aims to help students achieve their full potential through project-based learning and real-world experience. You can find Garrett on Twitter, learn more about Sora Schools and their mission on their website, and watch for updates on Twitter.

Jeffrey Imrich is the co-founder of Rock by Rock, an education start-up that leverages a blended-learning platform to bring project-based learning to K-5 everywhere. You can learn more about Rock by Rock on their website.